MWC OnlineThe Writing Center is a great place for all cadets and faculty to take their work-in-progress. Period. We can always help, no matter where you are in the writing process - whether you're just getting started, analyzing a source, generating ideas and outlining your work, or whether you're comprehensively revising as you make your final push. We help no matter whether you're a plebe, firstie, or experienced faculty member and regardless of how confident you feel about your writing - whether you're struggling or excelling or somewhere in between.
Bottom line: We're here to support any cadet or faculty member, with any piece of communications project, at any stage of your process, as you develop further as a thinker and writer. The MWC complements the academic assistance that West Pointers receive from the Center for Enhanced Performance and specialists at the Library by supporting the entire spectrum of cadet writing and communication needs.