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United States Military Academy Library

Behavioral Science and Leadership

PL361 Resources

Your literature review is an important part of your research. Without it, you cannot make informed decisions on your research.

There are multiple places that you can search for information. Here are some recommendations:


Scout is the library catalog and is the best place to begin your research. You can either click here or type your keywords into the box at the top of this page to start your search.

General Databases

There are a variety of databases that include a wide range of subjects. These are a great place to continue your research. You may find that some of the results are the same that you found through Scout, but this isn't the case with every database. In addition, some of the thesaurus tools and keyword suggestions make using these databases very useful.

A multidisciplinary database which provides full-text for over 4,650 scholarly publications, more than 3,600 of them peer-reviewed. Includes topics in the social sciences, humanities, general science, education and most areas of academic study. Abstracts and indexing provided for 8,200 journals in the collection. Coverage is from 1965 to the present.

Provides access to a wide range of databases, many with full text. Chose a database or search all

Provides access to a wide range of databases, many with full text.


Specialized Databases

Once you've searched the general databases, there are several subject-specific databases that would be useful to search. These databases will provide more specialized resources that would be helpful to your research.



These tutorials will give you some of the basic tools and techniques you'll need in order to conduct your research:
  • Tutorial: Choosing and Using Keywords
  • Tutorial: Search Techniques, Part 1
  • Tutorial: Search Techniques, Part 2

Boolean Operators


Advanced Techniques






Primary and Secondary Resources




Scholarly Articles





While the USMA Library has access to many resources, there may be times that a book or article you are looking for is not available locally. In those cases, it's time to turn to Interlibrary Loan.


Click here for citation help. Scout also has citation tools built into the search results.


  • Tutorial: APA Citations 7th Edition



Other Resources

Who's Citing Whom and Who's Citing What by Martin Davies and Dr Angelito Calma


Jennifer Chess

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