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This guide contains information for undergraduates interested in publication. Links are provided to each journal wherein guidelines for submissions are provided.
How many people have read your 10-page term paper? If you're like most students, the answer is probably somewhere around two: you and your professor. Exceptional work by undergraduate students, done for class or for independent research, often goes unnoticed, but in the professional academic world, research is not finished until its results are shared with others. With an increasing emphasis in universities on undergraduate research experiences, many journals offer undergraduate students the chance to complete the scientific process, including writing up the finished research, having it peer reviewed, and ultimately having it published in the scientific literature.
There are several reasons that undergraduate students should consider submitting their work to an Undergraduate Research Journal:
1. It illustrates the high quality of undergraduates' scholarly work, whether it is traditional data-based activity, literature reviews, or historical research. Because modeling can facilitate learning, showing students what their peers have accomplished should help to encourage ever widening circles of students to become engaged in and excited about research.
2. Transmitting the results of one's scholarship through a printed medium requires development of formal written communication skills. According to employers and professional and graduate school faculty, increasing undergraduates' written communication skills would make those students more attractive for employment and for admission to post graduate training or education. Journals provide an excellent opportunity for students to list a professional publication on their resume.
3. It increases students' success in life following graduation. The amount of time and focus required to prepare a research paper for publication prepares students for other difficult, yet rewarding tasks they will face throughout their lives.
4. Undergraduate research is a vital component in education. The literature suggests that students take projects more seriously and learn more when the project is directed towards an external rather than an internal audience such as a class assignment.
5. Undergraduate research journals provide an incentive for students to write papers. Writing papers empowers students to share their knowledge with others and promotes discussion in the undergraduate community to which they belong.
The journals listed in this guide all accept submissions from undergraduate students throughout the U.S. Some are published only online, while others produce a print edition. Although mostly geared toward scholarly works, many of these journals also encourage creative submissions such as fiction and art. A few of these journals (Plains Song Review, RURALS, and Nebraska Anthropologist) are published here at University of Nebraska-Lincoln! If you are aware of journals that should be added to the list, or if you have questions about a specific journal, please contact the owner of this guide.
"Undergraduate research not only bridges the gap between knowledge and experience but has the benefit of laying the groundwork for career exploration and development. The opportunity for undergraduates to publish in a national journal is an added value to the overall education experience and to the process of self-discovery." -- Kappa Omicron Nu Human Science Honor Society
Academic publishing requires attention to detail. Ask yourself these questions before submitting a paper to an academic journal.
These journal listings are for information purposes only. USMA librarians cannot tell you what journals to submit your paper to. It is the writer's responsibility to check the journals' websites for the most up-to-date information. This page was last updated in February 2025.
Description: "We publish undergraduate research papers, term papers, and honors theses in the field of economics, political science, public policy, business, statistics, and related fields. All undergraduate students currently enrolled in an accredited college or university are welcome to submit content for review."
Published by: University of California, Berkeley
Submission deadline: September 25 for Fall issue. Submissions received after the deadline will be considered for the Spring issue.
Description: "Our mission is to publish exemplary undergraduate research in the fields of Economics, Mathematics, Political Economy, Finance, and Public Policy while fostering a culture of undergraduate academic research."
Published by: University of Texas at Austin
Submission guidelines: Up to 25 pages.
Description: "Committed to supporting and encouraging quality undergraduate research in all areas of economics, the Journal was founded on the belief that the best way to learn economics is to do economics."
Published by: Elon University / University of Mary Washington
Description: "Dedicated to examining the role of business in the global economy as well as related issues of community and economic development."
Published by: Florida International University Miami
Submission guidelines: Recommends 5-15 pages; may accept longer articles.
Description: "The Michigan Journal of Business aims to publish distinguished theses, empirical research, case studies, and theories relating to the areas of accounting, economics, econometrics, finance, marketing, management, operations management, information systems, business law, corporate ethics, and public policy."
Published by: University of Michigan
Submission guidelines: Up to 50 pages.
Description: "Opus 1 makes cutting-edge economic theory and up-to-date applications of economic concepts accessible to undergraduate economics majors/minors and general readers. Opus 1 thinks that economic concepts can best be tested by applying them to real-world case studies."
Published by: University of Memphis
Submission guidelines: Longer submissions such as senior seminar papers and honor theses - up to 20 pages. "Economic Encounters" - 500 words.
**Note: Still accepting submissions, but has not published in a few years due to lack of quality articles.**
Description: "Welcomes submissions from current or recent undergraduate students in philosophy, politics, economics and related fields worldwide."
Published by: Virginia Tech
Submission guidelines: 5000-8000 words.
Description: "Provides undergraduates an avenue to publish their original research articles in the following areas: (but not limited to) psychology, sociology, biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science, mathematics, humanities, agriculture, architecture, business, and education."
Published by: Prairie View A&M University
Submission deadline: October 10 for the Fall issue and March 10 for the Spring issue.
Description: "The journal consists of agricultural economics articles written and submitted by undergraduate students to the annual AAEA undergraduate paper competition. However, papers may be submitted directly to the Journal if the student cannot attend the AAEA annual meetings."
Published by: Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
Submission guidelines: Up to 20 pages.
Submission deadline: May 31.
Description: "We welcome work in any field of economics and in related disciplines, such as political science, public policy, international relations, management science, applied mathematics, business, and finance. We also enthusiastically support interdisciplinary work."
Published by: Stanford University
Submission guidelines: Around 15-30 pages.
Submission deadline: Generally, research papers should be no longer than 25 pages. Commentary submissions must abide by a strict 500 – 750 word limit.
Description: "The Student MLR is a pilot project dedicated to publishing social science research by undergraduate students. The Student MLR provides an opportunity for students to refine their analytical abilities, receive comments from experienced professionals, develop their research conjectures for graduate study, gain professional experience, and produce new knowledge. Subjects that the Student MLR publishes include, but are not exclusive to, demographics, labor economics, prices, environment, community research, and social statistics."
Published by: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Submission guidelines: Around 20
Submission deadline: No deadline
Description: "An online journal that promotes high quality original undergraduate economic research by publishing student authored research from around the world."
Published by: Illinois Wesleyan University
Submission guidelines: Around 15-30 pages.
Submission deadline: No deadline; submitted papers are reviewed between September and April.