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United States Military Academy Library


USMAPS Department of English

Mission: The USMAPS Department of English will prepare Cadet Candidates to succeed at USMA. The department will accomplish its mission by enabling Cadet Candidates to do the following:

  1. Write out-of-class and in-class essays that are strong in substance, style, organization, and correctness, all of which result from the process approach to writing.  Students will write at least seven out-of class essays and six in-class essays over the course of the year.
  2. Read critically.  Instructors will challenge students to read sophisticated, college-level pieces in an effort to better prepare them for standardized testing and the rigors of USMA’s curriculum.
  3. Speak effectively in class discussions and oral presentations. Students will deliver at least two formal speeches and a recitation in addition to regular class discussions.
  4. Maximize their potential on the reading and writing portions of standardized tests.  All students will take/retake the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) in an effort to gain admission to the academy.
  5. Document their submissions properly using Modern Language Association (MLA) format.

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