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United States Military Academy Library

Athena: USMA Scholarship

Statistics and Data on Your Submissions 

Open any individual submission in the catalog. You don't have to be logged in to see the statistics, they are publicly visable.

If you try to access statistics from the home page, it will show data on the entire repository instead of the data on your specific work.

Once in the page for an individual submission, select the Statistics tab at the top of the page.

A new page will open containing statistics including

  • Total Visits: The number of views on a specific submission.
  • Total Visits Per Month: The number of views on a specific submission per month.
  • Top Country Views: The number of views sorted by the location of the reader, by country.
  • Top City Views: A more specific display showing the number of views by city the reader is located in.

Communities and Subcommunities 

Communities, sub-communities, and collections are the structures used in Athena: USMA Scholarship to help organize material in the institutional repository for findability purposes. The USMA Library Staff determines what structure is most effective, in consultation with department and program representatives.

In most cases, Athena: USMA Scholarship communities will contain one or more collections of scholarly material.

Communities: Most communities are associated with academic departments or large campus entities (such as the Dean’s Directorates & Divisions, the Department of History, and the West Point Press).

Sub-communities: A sub-community might be established for a particular program or center associated with a departmental community.

Collections: Collections are the basic containers for material that is deposited in USMA Athena. Collections are always hosted within communities.


The organization of the repository is reminiscent of nesting dolls. At the start of the submission process, the author submitting a work determines the community/ collection that best reflects their departmental affiliation and the subject content of the work. The submission should include all data from authors that may have affiliations with other departments. Please use the sponsor and description spaces on the submission form as needed for the purpose of providing additional information related to the work. If a work needs to be included in more than one community/collection, a separate submission is needed.  

If you represent a department or program that is not already included in Athena: USMA Scholarship, please contact library staff at


**Effective 01 July 2024, the Departments of English and Philosophy, Law, and Foreign Language are transitioning into the Department of English and World Languages and the Department of Law and Philosophy. Future work should be submitted to the community with the new corresponding department title.**

Metadata Tips

When you deposit material into Athena: USMA Scholarship you will be asked to provide metadata for the work you are submitting. Effective metadata is not only a reflection of the institution and its academic departments but allows your work to be findable and usable by others.  

Athena: USMA Scholarship metadata adheres to the standards of Dublin Core Metadata Element set, which is used internationally to describe a wide range of resources. Many internet tools and platforms rely on Dublin Core metadata as a resource to recognize and display content effectively, in platforms like Google Scholar and beyond. Developing custom metadata schemas in Athena: USMA Scholarship is not permitted, as it may interfere with your material being displayed correctly.  

The following metadata fields are in the form, those marked with an asterisk * are required, all others are optional. Please note that HTML is not permitted in any of these fields. 

Point of Contact: Multiple Points of Contact can be added by using the “Add more” icon to add a new field for each, please only include authors or contributors who have a email address. 

Author: Multiple authors can be added by using the “Add more” icon to add a new field for each author.  

Advisor: this space is for the name of the advisor if this was a cadet work. 

Advisor’s Department: this space should contain the department of the primary thesis advisor. 

Sponsors: This space should include submitting authors Department of Employ (or Cadet’s primary field of study) and any other affiliate organizations, including, but not limited to scholarly groups, clubs, other universities, organizations, or other affiliations, and sources of funding. If the item is based on sponsored research, enter the sponsoring agency and grant number(s) affiliated. 

Title of Work: This space should include the main title of the work.  

Date of Issue: This is the publication date or date the work was completed, presented, or posted for the first time. 

Publisher: Use both the journal title, if applicable, and the publisher’s name. For example, to submit an article published in the journal Transactions on Quantum Engineering, it would be appropriate to enter "IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering" or "IEEE." For a book chapter originally published in an anthology from the Oxford University Press, enter "Oxford University Press." 

Citation: Enter the standard Chicago Manual of Style [17th edition] citation for the previously issued instance of this item. We recognize that this citation style is not the standard for all disciplines.  

Peer Reviewed Status: Select Yes or No 

Series/ Report No.: This section is extremely important for articles, journals, chapters, etc. 

Identifiers: please note, your work may have more than one identifier, please include every identifier the work has. 

  • DOI: a digital identifier of an object, any object — physical, digital, or abstract. DOIs solve a common problem: keeping track of things. Designed to be used by humans as well as machines, DOIs are unique persistent identifiers that allow objects to be accessed reliably. - What is a DOI 

  • Gov’t Docs #: Identifiers used in the federal Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) classification system 

  • ISBN: International Standard Book Number: assigned to individual books and ebooks. For more information, or to obtain an ISBN, visit Publisher Services at 

  • ISMN: International Standard Music Number: used for notated music (scores, parts, vocal scores, etc.). For more info, see the U.S. ISMN agency 

  • ISSN: International Standard Serials Number: used to identify and distinguish different journals. For more info, see 

  • Pub Med ID: PubMed is an index of the biomedical literature. A Pub Med ID, also known as the PubMed reference number, is a number assigned by the NIH National Library of Medicine to papers indexed in PubMed. 

  • URI: Uniform Resource Identifier: used to provide a link for material on the web that has no identifying number. 

  • Other: Any other type of identification number that is not listed above. 

Type: Pick the option that would best describe the type of work you are submitting to USMA Athena. If your work is not one of the types already listed, please select “other” and explain the type of work in the description section below. 

Subject Keywords: Your work may have as many keywords as you like, please hit “enter” after each individual keyword or keyword phrase. 

Abstract: A short paragraph or executive summary describing the content that is being deposited. For journal articles and book chapters, use the version from the official publication. 

Description: If you are depositing a pre-print or post-print publication, this field should include a link to the version of record at the journal or publisher main website. You may also include pertinent additional information about the work, such conference proceeding details.

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