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United States Military Academy Library

How Do I?

Cadets, Staff, and Faculty


Cadets and Faculty/Staff can connect to the SSID "WREN". Users will authenticate using their Office 365 credentials. The WREN wireless network is available throughout the entire library.


If you cannot connect to the wireless:

  • Check to make sure that your wireless is turned on.
  • Try restarting your computer, especially if it does not find the WREN wireless network, since it may "remember" the hard-wired connection it most recently used.
  • Make sure to authenticate using your O365 credentials.
  • Try the steps listed for WREN WiFi Connection Issues.
    • If you still cannot connect to the wireless, please contact Goldcoats or your DCO.

USMA Library no longer offers public wireless network access to guests due to network access policy changes. All USMA Library facilities have in-building cellular service available for all major cellular networks. Authorized visitors are encouraged to use the hotspot features on their personal devices in the event wireless network access is needed.


Event coordinators are responsible for requesting visitor access to wireless networks for any Academy guests. More information on this process is available from CIO/G6. We have no means to bypass these access policies for events hosted in Library facilities and cannot offer any exceptions to this policy for any reason.


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